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Date:2023-03-16 19:17   Clicks:





报告人简介:覃立波,中南大学计算机学院特聘教授,主要研究方向为任务型对话系统和自然语言处理。在ACL、EMNLP、AAAI、IJCAI等国际会议上发表论文多篇,研究成果曾入选Paper Digest高影响力论文及获得EMNLP2022 MMNLU Workshop最佳论文奖。担任IJCAI2021高级程序会委员(SPC)、EMNLP2022领域主席。


报告题目:ChatGPT, using chat to connect human with language models


报告人简介:Benyou Wang is an assistant professor in the School of Data Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He was a Marie Curie Researcher at the European Union and got his Ph.D. degree from the University of Padua, Italy in 2022. So far, he and his collaborators have won the Best Paper Nomination Award in SIGIR 2017, Best Explainable NLP Paper in NAACL 2019, and Best Paper in NLPCC 2022. He is committed to building novel, explainable, robust, and efficient natural language processing systems that are with both technical rationality and linguistic motivations.

报告摘要:In just three months, ChatGPT, a groundbreaking language model, has gained worldwide recognition. This talk will introduce the concept of "language models" and "prompts" where prompts serve as an interface connecting human with language models. By using text prompts, one could enjoy the merits of ChatGPT for various features including zero-shot generation, in-context learning, complex reasoning, chain of thought, interactive chat, etc; although some of them have already explored by ChatGPT's earlier versions. We will further discuss new features, technical map, limitations, as well as some case study of ChatGPT. To help you make the most of ChatGPT, we will also provide some basic usage guides that can help improve your productivity. Lastly, we will discuss the possibility of creating a local version of ChatGPT and our work on a medical ChatGPT. We are excited to witness the impact that ChatGPT will have on the industry, as well as the wider scientific and engineering communities.

报告题目:快手推荐系统技术分享--- WWW2023专题报告



报告摘要:1月25日,国际学术会议WWW 2023论文接收结果公布。快手社区科学线有多篇论文被录用,本次报告将介绍其中快手推荐策略中台组的3篇工作。快手推荐场景相比传统推荐场景具有大流量、更新快、玩法复杂、用户频繁交互的特点,尤其在持续交互和留存优化等长期目标上使用强化学习解决方案时,这些挑战被进一步放大。报告分享内容将着重探讨其中多目标推荐、强化学习行为空间探索、以及留存优化问题的应对策略与思路。
